


事情发生的经过: 新型冠状病毒肺炎进一步传播,几乎影响了我们所做的一切, 从市政厅到大街到学校再到我们的家. 从一开始, 在这里, 365足彩下载真诚地希望这份公告能让你和你的社区保持良好的健康和定位. 但是,说实话,我们知道这段时间压力很大,你的工作也很正常. 我们是来帮忙的. 
单词释义: 有很多问题. 应对冠状病毒的复杂性确实是前所未有的, 以及我们被要求采取的保护措施, 在某些情况下是法律规定的, 都很重要但很难. 365足彩下载一直与州长办公室保持着稳定的联系, 立法领导人和联邦合作伙伴对我们救济和澄清的共同目标. If you have questions about how to legally or practically navigate these times from a municipal perspective, 电邮至 covid19@taogoods.net. 我们在网站上发布了常见问题的答案 taogoods.net/coronavirus,一个强大的资源站点. 
利用:  内部人士似乎一致认为,在形势好转之前,形势可能会变得更加困难, 但你的领导使我们在环境允许的情况下保持稳定和安全, 在这一点上,我们很幸运. 
瘦子: 这是一场全球性的流行病,但这是一个社区层面的呼吁. 我们会尽我们所能帮助你. 情况一直在变化,我们正在努力让你及时, 但更重要的是准确, 信息. 书签 taogoods.net/coronavirus for updates and read below about our communication with 状态 leaders on pressing issues facing our cities and towns.

甚至在第一次美国战争之前.S. 新型冠状病毒肺炎病例, 各级政府官员心中充满了“如果……怎么办”的疑问, 新手教程, 这一切都发生在一片未知的水域. The League has been in constant streams of communication with many different corners of government to capture accurate and thorough answers pertinent to municipal governance and how we can all work together. 访问 taogoods.net/coronavirus for a wealth of resources and answers to frequently asked questions about the response to 新型冠状病毒肺炎, 当地的实现 州长的行政命令中, 人力资源与就业 问题, 照顾孩子 对于重要的地方政府工作人员来说, 公开集会法律等等. 我们正在更新这个页面的新信息,所以请把它添加到您的书签和电子邮件 covid19@taogoods.net 如果你有任何新问题. 
最常见的问题之一 本周关注政府. 罗伊·库珀的 第118号行政命令, 限制餐馆的外卖业务, 以尽量减少病毒在空间内传播的风险. 企业和地方官员想知道如何将其应用于户外座位区. 州长办公室对此进行了澄清 the following: "Restaurants shall close all seating areas immediately and bars are directed to close immediately. 餐馆只提供外卖, 免下车的, 确保食物供应,同时保持社交距离. 餐厅员工不得在室内或室外座位区为顾客服务, and all areas of North Carolina are subject to mass gathering restrictions and social distancing guidelines. 如果餐厅有露天座位, onsite consumption in the outdoor seating area is not permitted pursuant to the Order of Abatement."
许多其他问题在我们的FAQ部分都有答案 taogoods.net/coronavirus,还有更多的人正在进来. 该网站也是地方政府的资源页面, 链接到有用的文档和365足彩下载通讯人员的博客文章. 最近的一篇博客文章讨论了社区传播的主题以及我们可能会期待什么. 限制集会和商业的措施可能会很严厉, 卫生与公众服务部在帖子中承认, 但他们正在努力减缓感染,防止医院不堪重负. “我们知道这是一个充满挑战的时期. But it is important to remember that the vast majority of people who get 新型冠状病毒肺炎 will have mild illness and will recover at home,该机构表示. 浏览网站 了解更多信息. ​

365足彩下载主席威廉·皮特, 代表NCLM董事会, 确定了疫情期间城镇面临的一系列紧迫问题 星期五到政府. 罗伊·库珀,参议院领袖菲尔·伯杰和众议院议长蒂姆·摩尔. 皮特, 华盛顿市议会的成员, thanked them and their staffers for the work they're doing to help the 状态 through the crisis before he discussed the financial pressures facing the lifeblood of local economies -- small businesses. “对于员工规模较小、经营利润率较低的雇主来说, 特别是零售商, 在收入减少或根本不存在的情况下存活数周是不可行的,皮特说. “这些企业需要帮助才能生存.“就像州政府依赖这些企业产生的销售税收入一样, 地方政府也是如此, 皮特继续. “城市和乡镇得到1美元.每年20亿美元的销售税收入, 这些收入占到他们预算的25%以上,他指出. “在费用方面, 公共安全在市政非公用事业运营预算中占比最大, 在未来几周,我们将严重依赖这些人员."
与此同时, water and sewer utilities -- many of which are already under financial hardship -- have pledged to avoid cutting off service to delinquent customers. 皮特指出,他们可能面临预算短缺. “在这种环境下满足运营成本将是困难的, 客户需要帮助,他告诉国家领导人. 
Local officials are also discussing their need for legal and regulatory flexibility with remote council meetings and utility operations. "Addressing these needs through statutory changes may be necessary to best serve citizens and ensure that we are doing all that we can to limit Covid-19 exposure,皮特说. 这一切都发生在地方政府正在制定新财政年度的预算之际, 现在却盲目地这么做, ,而不知道他们的收入和财务状况." 
这场危机进一步凸显了阿盟长期以来一直在推动的一个问题 需要更好的宽带接入 所以个人和社区并不是孤立的. Allowing local governments to partner with private providers "is a critical step to ensure that businesses, 工人和学生将有必要的在线访问." 
“我们非常感谢你考虑到这些问题,”皮特告诉州长. 伯杰和摩尔发言人. “我们都在一起, and know that the only way to adequately address the tasks before us in the days and weeks ahead is to, 就像我们在NCLM所说的, 集体工作,共同进步."

宽带互联网连接迫在眉睫且日益重要, 在国家的许多关键领域缺乏, 来集中在一个 WRAL周四播出的纪录片《365足彩下载》(Disconnected)." WRAL与国际365足彩下载合作制作了这部纪录片 长期以来一直在推动这个问题 为北卡罗来纳人的经济健康和安全提供更好的宽带. “做生意的能力, get an education and get quality health care are becoming increasingly dependent on access to a high-speed Internet connection or broadband,WRAL纪录片附带的一篇文章说.com. 《365足彩下载》预告片 来自365足彩下载执行董事保罗·迈耶的信息.

而许多城市地区都有宽带服务, 但北卡罗来纳州农村地区的情况并非如此, 赌注是巨大的. Communities like Enfield are highlighted to explain why broadband is so crucial to communities working hard to grow and provide a good quality of life. 没有高速互联网, some communities are unable to attract new business and even lose businesses that relocate to get broadband access,沃尔写道。. "Some public school students who don’t have access at home rely on their parents to drive them to a library or a fast-food restaurant to access a Wi-Fi connection to do homework. Patients living in rural areas sometimes drive long distances to get to a medical facility when access to telemedicine through a broadband connection at home would serve their needs."
请浏览及分享 这部重要的纪录片, which becomes even more timely given the distancing measures in place under the coronavirus pandemic.

在国会迅速批准之后, President Donald Trump on Wednesday signed into law a second emergency aid package prompted by the spreading coronavirus. 《365足彩下载》,HR 6201, 为营养豁免拨款, 家庭和医疗休假法案的扩展, 领取失业救济金, 带薪病假和提供病假的雇主的税收抵免(不包括联邦政府, 状态, 和地方政府). States and local governments that receive funding must report to the State Emergency Operations Center data regarding testing and results from health departments. 
The Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act of the bill requires employers to provide employees paid sick leave for the duration that they are not able to work, 由于需要休假,不能远程办公, 建议进行自我隔离, 或者如果员工正在照顾学校已经关闭的孩子. 该法案概述了员工有权享有的带薪病假的小时数. The legislation prohibits employers from discharging or disciplining any employee who takes leave in accordance with this act. Section 6001 mandates that group health and individual plans provide coverage for coronavirus testing at no cost and with no cost-sharing requirements. 
The National League of Cities explains that most employers will be fully reimbursed by the federal government through refundable tax credits, but Sections 7001(e)(4) and 7003(e)(4) of HR 6201 explicitly prohibit local governments from receiving the tax credits. 因此,这一额外休假的费用将完全由地方政府承担. 由于国会正在制定第三项救助法案,请要求你们的国会议员:
1. insert a provision that strikes Sections 7001(e)(4) and 7003(e)(4) from HR 6201; and 
2. 国会有没有澄清州和地方政府的雇主, 包括那些豁免26 USC 3111的人, 完全符合第7001和7003节学分.

Currently, more than 20 bills are in some form of existence at the federal level related to 新型冠状病毒肺炎. These bills involve housing, travel, small businesses, homeless populations, Medicaid, and much more. 一项法案 在美国.S. 在写这篇文章的时候 eyes emergency economic aid that would include direct payments to some individuals and billions of dollars in loans to airlines and other industries significantly impacted by the virus. We will closely monitor these bills as the language is finalized and as they move through the congressional process.  我们还将监测各州的立法策略.

为防范新冠肺炎疫情,2020年人口普查现场工作暂停两周, 人口普查局局长史蒂文·迪林厄姆说 周三说. 与此同时, the agency is strongly encouraging members of the public to go ahead and respond to their 2020 Census questionnaires, 哪些可以邮寄, 电话, 或者像笔记本电脑或智能手机这样的联网设备. The 2020 Census formally kicked off roughly a week ago with mailers sent to mailboxes across the U.S. "As of this morning," the bureau said Wednesday, "more than eleven million households have responded. 美国正在加紧塑造我们的未来,确保家庭和社区得到重视.“访问 人口普查.nc.政府 查看北卡罗来纳州具体的人口普查信息.