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事情发生的经过: 我们还在继续 预算-watch as an agreement between the 房子 and 参议院 has yet to land. 指定的谈判代表本周继续就近240亿美元的国家支出计划进行谈判, 众议院和参议院在各自的草案中存在分歧.
单词释义: As we've noted in past weeks here, 众议院和参议院对国家预算有不同的计划并没有什么不寻常的. 问题是,他们需要多长时间才能完成谈判,达成一个妥协版本,并将其提交给州长, though conversations have hovered on the near-future. 简短的 Insider State Government News Service​当众议院议长蒂姆·摩尔(Tim Moore)暗示本周已准备好一项协议时,该网站的订阅时事通讯引起了众议院一位高级预算撰稿人的大笑. 一位资深主席开始笑,这表明这是一种乐观的看法," Speaker Moore said. 
利用: 同一篇文章援引参议院领袖菲尔·伯杰(Phil Berger)的话说,协议最早将于下周达成," and hopes to get the compromise document to Gov. Roy Cooper by month's end. 记住,365足彩下载已经对来自。的提案进行了分析 参议院, 房子,和 compare-contrast document​). 
瘦子: There are other moving parts our eyes are on at the General Assembly. Read on for updates on electronics recycling, regulatory reform,和 struggling local utility that has caught General Assembly attention.

国家对陷入困境的地方公用事业的援助是美国讨论的一个重要话题.C. 参议院 this week. Utility needs came up in the Pensions and Retirement and Aging Committee​ on Thursday when reviewing 大规模重写 of HB 777 Purchase Opt/Credit for Prior-Year FT Service. 重新修订的法案包括最初包括在可行公用事业储备拨款计划的条款 SB 536 Water/Wastewater Public Enterprise Reform美国旨在协助公用事业公司解决水和废水基础设施问题的立法. Background on that bill is in previous Bulletin coverage. In this week’s committee discussion, 参议员们指出,该提案不包括为这些拨款提供资金的融资机制, even as there is a large need statewide. 森. Hickory的安迪·威尔斯解释说,这些条款与参议院预算中包含的政策相符. 他补充说,需要立法来立即解决尤里卡镇的需求, 得出的结论是,参议院正在尽一切努力使资金到位. The committee discussed the bill but did not take a vote on it. 
The Town of Eureka had been the subject of legislation earlier in the week. An 修正案 to HB 336 Extend Suspension of Spencer Mountain​ was offered on the 参议院 floor Tuesday by 森. 吉姆·佩里, whose Wayne and Lenoir County district includes the town, 增加一项条款,暂时中止该镇的宪章,因为它的财政困难. 此举将把该镇的资产和财务控制权交给州财政部长办公室,直到2024年暂停到期. 当地政府委员会是财政部长办公室的一部分,此前曾投票决定采取类似行动, minus the charter suspension. 该镇的财政困难源于其下水道系统的维护需求. 参议员佩里称,暂停特许状是为了给该镇一个生存的机会. The bill received agreement by the 房子 on Thursday, 而且作为一项地方法案,不需要州长的签名就能成为法律.

Other bills with movement this week include SB 553 Regulatory Reform Act of 2019​,这就是 Bulletin has followed 最近几个月,部分原因是一项不再包括在内的条款,该条款将废除全州范围内禁止电脑和电视进入垃圾填埋场的禁令. With that proposal removed, 该法案本周在参议院获得通过,并提交众议院审议. 与此同时, SB 381 Reconstitute/Clarify Boards and Commissions​ 本周收到了大会的最终批准,并送到州长办公桌上签字. 除了纠正各种董事会和委员会,以解决违宪任命的成员, 它增加了清洁水管理信托基金资金可用于的用途清单, including some related to stormwater. SB 315 North Carolina Farm Act of 2019 moved through two committees this week. The bill covers all kinds of agricultural matters, including hog farms, the hemp business and other topics legislators have debated. 它还包含一项条款,允许在距离州际公路或州主要公路最近边缘660英尺的范围内放置真正农场的广告标志, subject to certain conditions. 该法案还将建立一个程序,根据该程序,土地所有者的土地受到公用事业地役权(包括水和废水系统地役权)的负担,可以请求终止地役权. The bill is on the full 参议院's floor-vote calendar for Monday. 您可以跟踪这些和其他感兴趣的城市和城镇的进度 our online bill tracker​.

自2017年启动阿片类药物行动计划以来,阿片类药物的配药有所下降, a state response to the crisis of opioid addiction and related deaths. That's according a 新闻稿 ,政府. Roy Cooper's office issued this week that unveiled the “Opioid Action Plan 2.0” for continued work. "Since the plan was launched in 2017, opioid dispensing has decreased by 24%," according to the release. “在此期间,用于治疗阿片类药物使用障碍的药物处方增加了15%, 阿片类药物使用障碍治疗,特别是针对无保险和医疗补助受益人的治疗,增加了20%. 2018年,阿片类药物过量的急诊就诊人数比2017年减少了近10%.该州已经收到了超过5400万美元的联邦资金,帮助治疗了超过12名患者,000 people dealing with substance-use disorders, according to the update. 库珀州长说:“数字显示了进步,但故事才是真正的进展。. “太多的家庭和他们的亲人仍在受苦,我们必须做得更多." Read more statistics and learn about the updated plan 在线. 为寻求打击当地阿片类药物滥用方法的市政当局提供的信息, including a video series featuring police chiefs, 被发现于

We're out with the latest edition of 南部城市​365足彩下载的季刊,这一次将你与背景和价值观联系起来 Kings Mountain Mayor Scott Neisler​ and, in a separate piece, 代表. 冬青田庄 威尔明顿的. For Mayor Neisler, 这是他的根的故事——他的祖先中至少有两位国王山市长, including his great-great grandfather, 该镇的第一任市长——以及他与社区精神和愿景保持联系的无数方式. For 代表resentative Grange, it's a sit-down Q&这篇文章详细介绍了她的立法服务和军事背景, 尤其是在西点军校开始招收女生后不久,她就毕业了. 本版本的其他重点包括哈德逊连接艺术和商业的项目, cyber security for municipalities, 这是一项将年轻员工引入北卡罗莱纳州地方政府的倡议, 还有更多. 头 for the latest issue and all past. ​