


事情发生的经过: Candidates and incumbents continued their filings this week for the 2020 elections and still have through noon Dec. 20、报名截止日期. 
单词释义: 上午十点半.m. 周五,州选举委员会有52个席位 几页用小字写的候选人姓名 for offices ranging from county-level to our nation's presidency.
利用: 如果你还没有收到的话, you might find in your mailbox an educational mailer about the photo ID requirement for voting starting in 2020. 每户人家都应该收到这些信件. “2020年3月的初选正在迅速临近, and we want to make sure voters are informed about the state’s photo ID requirements,凯伦·布林森·贝尔说, 国家选举委员会执行主任, 在一个 新闻稿.
瘦子: And we've got more news of importance to cities and towns to share as the holidays lock onto our minds. From broadband to rail safety to awards, read on for more from the week. 

西布伦市长鲍勃·马西尼说, who has served in public office for more than four decades and in 2017 served a term as League president, received one of the state's highest honors this week when the governor's office presented him with the Order of the Long Leaf Pine. "So proud of my dad and his being awarded the Order of the Long Leaf Pine!马西尼市长的儿子萨姆 在推特上 with thanks to former member of Congress Martin Lancaster, who presented the award. Also joining Mayor Matheny for the honor were son Jim and daughter Michelle. 
“自1963年以来, North Carolina’s governors have reserved their highest honor, 长叶松勋章, for persons who have made significant contributions to the state and their communities through their exemplary service and exceptional accomplishments,长叶松协会解释道. 
365足彩下载介绍了马西尼 《365体育足彩》2017年秋季刊, in which he condensed his philosophy on serving in local government. “I think that you’re elected to represent and look after the people,” he said. “And it’s easy to get caught up in your own thinking and lose focus on the fact that you are here to represent the people.”

政府. Roy Cooper on Monday told farmers that North Carolina needs fast internet access for rural communities, 这是他政府的首要任务. 与此同时, the Charlotte Observer ran a special report looking at disparities between urban and rural areas, with a lack of adequate broadband access for the latter a prime factor. 库珀州长是在联合国大会上说这番话的.C. 农业局的年会, 他说他希望在哪里“获得高速”, broadband internet access to all of North Carolina" as quickly as possible, 格林斯博罗新闻 & 记录报纸报道. “这绝对是我们的首要任务," said the governor as fast upload and download speeds are increasingly important for farmers 在一个n ever-modernizing industry. 
"Experts say broadband access is no longer a luxury," the separate 夏洛特观察家的文章 指出的那样. It quotes Brian Dabson of the UNC School of 政府ernment as saying the provision of broadband "is a policy issue that can make or break a community." Ensuring North Carolina's communities have reliable connectivity is a crucial issue for the League as it concerns the running of business and creation of jobs, 医疗保健需求, 每日资讯及更多. "Parents in some rural communities are said to send their children to do homework 在一个 McDonald’s parking lot, 哪个可能是镇上唯一可靠的服务, 专家说. 潜在雇主认为宽带是必不可少的. 就连游客也期待一个信号。. 
Learn more about broadband policy and read a report on what's needed at taogoods.net/broadband.

N.C. 都市市长365足彩下载, a bipartisan group representing the mayors of the state’s larger cities, 再次选举格林斯博罗市长南希·沃恩为主席, 戈尔兹伯勒市长查克·艾伦担任副主席, 教堂山市长帕姆·海明格担任财务主管, and Asheville Mayor Esther Manheimer as immediate past chair. Members of the executive committee elected last week include Carrboro Mayor Lydia Lavelle, 温斯顿-塞勒姆市长艾伦·琼斯, 威尔明顿市长比尔·萨福说, Concord Mayor Bill Dusch and Statesville Mayor Costi Kutteh. 的 Coalition enters its nineteenth year after its annual meeting hosted in Greensboro last week by Mayor Vaughan.
During the annual gathering the 都市市长365足彩下载 members visited the Piedmont Triad Airport to learn about the state’s growing aerospace industry and the airport’s focus on job creation.  此次机场之行包括在本田喷气机停留, the headquarters and manufacturing center for Honda’s best in class corporate jets.  的y also rode in some of Greensboro Transit’s new fleet of all-electric buses recently purchased from Protera’s Greenville, S.C. 制造工厂. 
沃恩市长说, “It is an honor to be chosen to lead Metro Mayors and host my friends and colleagues from our state’s cities.  我们从彼此身上学到了很多. 我们分享策略, ideas with each other and we work together to make our state and our cities the best places to live, 工作和娱乐.”

的 National League of Cities is asking for signatures on a 致国会的信 asking that it prioritize rail programming to improve safety at railroad crossings in communities, think about train horn noise and better coordinate with locals, 除此之外. “美国的城市, towns and villages ask for your support for a robust rail title in transportation reauthorization that puts safety first and encourages a cooperative relationship between railroads and the communities they operate in,信上说. 它要求在12月10日之前签名. 21. 的 letter continues: "Rail interstate networks between cities and regions provide essential transportation flow for American goods and passengers. 城市之间错综复杂的关系, towns and villages with their neighboring railroads have raised issues of safety after accidents with hazardous materials, 客运量与货运的流量, 铁路道口安全事故, and noise considerations that require communication and collaboration between the railroad operators and local leadership."